
Creation 2019 - 65 min.

3 dancers - 4 puppets - 1 km. of rope


The piece deals with the desire of absolute that leads or loses each person. Our body research uses different techniques of aerial dance and rope manipulations.

The dramaturgical composition is based on some writings of J-L. Borges who, through a literary search for authenticity, evoke vain artifices - mirrors, masks or copulation - to approach the idea of a reproduction identical to the reality.

We thus produce a concrete, rhythmic and mimetic dance, from manipulations and shifting of ropes that embody this quest for authenticity, dotted with doubts, knots and frustrations. Some suspensions bring a breath and an oneiric desire of elevation.


Mirrors and copulation are abominable, because they multiply the number of individuals.



Supports : ECAM - Kremlin-Bicêtre, Beaumarchais-SACD, SPEDIDAM, SACD


Residencies : R.E.D - Norvège, Dance Limerick, Théâtre de l'Oulle, Le Dansoir, ECAM - Kremlin-Bicêtre, Château de Monthelon, Le Silo, CDCN - La Briqueterie, CND, Studio Lucien, La Ménagerie de Verre


Accompaniement : Danse Dense, Le Croiseur, La Fabrique de la Danse



28-29 Nov 2019 : IVT - Mimesis / Paris

23-24-25 Juil 2019 : Mimos / Périgueux

30 Mai 2019 : Act festival / Bilbao

24 Mai 2019 : ECAM / Kremlin-Bicêtre


Extraits : 

6 June 2019 : Carreau du Temple / Paris

22 March 2019 : Point Ephémère / Paris

9 March 2019 : Croiseur / Lyon

3 March 2019 : Le Dansoir / Ouistreham

19 Sept 2018 : Théâtre de l'Oulle / Avignon

30 June 2018 : Hanover Choreography Contest / Hanover

28 May 2018 : 783 - Danse Dense / Nantes

30 Nov 2017 : Dance Limerick / Ireland

28 Oct 2017 : R.E.D Dance center / Norway



Choreography : Fu LE

Dancers : Roxane OUAZANA, Claire CHASTAING, Lola LEFEVRE

Music : Harun BAYRAKTAR

Lights : Céline BALESTRA

Costumes : Candice BESSERVE

Masks and Puppets : Arnaud LOUSKI-PANE, Charlène DUBRETON (Mazette!)



ACT Festival - Best Stage direction (Bilbao, 2019)

Beaumarchais SACD - Price for Dance composition (Paris, 2018)